Hall of Shame

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Dear 1 Richard,

1 Richard, Richard, Richard.

I thought I was finished with you back in middle school after that little incident, as we’ll call it, put you in the Naughty List “Hall of Shame”.

Mrs. Claus was feeling faint for days after that. The elves could scarcely read the board without blushing, and I’ve never quite gotten over just how naughty a teenage 2 boy could be.

Until now.

Oh, 1 Richard. As a grown-up, you’re even worse. You’ve blown it, big time.

Now, you’re far too large to throw over my knee for a well-deserved spanking (besides, those have been outlawed). But I have to tell you, the Hall of Shame Board got a new entry with your name on it (again). While I wasn’t too surprised, poor Mrs. Claus certainly was, and she’s been downing hot cocoa like there’s no tomorrow. Which, if you continue in your ways, there likely won’t be.

This is a warning, 1 Richard. I have connections. I also have a lot of coal with your name on it. Remember, I’m watching you . . . probably along with several government agencies.

Santa Claus
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For exceptional acts of kindness and gernerosity throughout the year.

"My daughter is 24. Out of all the presents she received she said this one was the most memorable! Brought back the real spirit of Christmas for her. We need to bring back those wonderful innocent childhood memories. Isn't that was Christmas is all about."

Judi DeShane